Mantras of Light
This December workshop will introduce participants to “mantras of light” during winter’s most yin and inwardly energetic phase of the solar calendar. Under the influence of the full moon, this offers us a tremendous blessing and opportunity in bringing light to the unconscious, connecting to the superconscious level of mind, increasing prana for physical and mental health, and energizing the Pranamaya, Manamaya, and Vijnanamaya Koshas, (subtle body) and lessens the impact of planetary astrological influences.
The experience of divine light permeating one’s consciousness and penetrating to each and every cell of the body leads to “Sat Chit Anand,” existence, bliss, and truth. Mantra Japa is a powerful tool to help us realize this innate truth. In truth, all mantras eventually lead to this experience. Mantras which specifically relate and vibrate aspects of light itself are very powerful.
Learning Objectives:
Learn basic technical aspects of mantras of light and the Sanskrit names for fire, lightning, and sun.
Learn the Sanskrit mantra for the soul as the three fold flame.
Learn theTantric mantra of the Goddess as light existing everywhere.
Practice mental intonement of the mantra while also focusing on the sound vibration, the symbol, the color, and placement in the subtle anatomy.
Differentiate between recitation japa with and without bhakti.
Gain experiential knowledge and the effects of meditation with these mantras of light.
Learn applications of the mantras for spiritual growth and the acquisition of “santosh” (contentment).
The Realization of yoga, the union of Shakti and Shiva in the very body of the yogi is a key teaching of yoga, and thus union of Jiva and Shiva. According to his spiritual heir, Sri Anandi Ma, the great yogi saint, 117-year-old Sri Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas, often said, “Mantra is the bridge between the Soul and God.”
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