Join Manas Kshirsagar to learn how Ayurveda, the world’s most ancient healing system and yoga’s “sibling science”, can support you in you in each moment of your day.
Learn the fundamentals and find greater wholeness, health and vitality with an Ayurvedic lifestyle and practices.
Wednesday, February 26th
5:30-8:30pm ET
Online Only
Recommended Rate $70, pay from your heart slider at checkout
Ayurveda For Health
and Wellness
Ayurveda stems from the root Sanskrit words “ayu,” meaning “life” and “veda” meaning “knowledge.” It is, literally, the knowledge of life. Ayurveda deepens your experience of yoga—to live a life of maximal health and spiritual fulfillment, on and off the mat and cushion. Health is defined as a state of balance of the body, mind, soul and five senses in Ayurveda.